There is a full moon in the sign of Aries.
On October 17, the Full Hunter Moon will rise and rage in the impulse-prone, Mars-ruled sign of Aries. The Supermoon in Aries will be the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year. Read on to learn more about the meaning and astrology of this supermoon and what to expect for your zodiac sign.
Full Moon in Aries
Because this full moon falls in the cardinal mode, the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and those with personal planets in those signs, especially in the late 20-29 degrees, will feel the effects of this supermoon – especially the impulse to heal, more acute.
The brilliant astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim of Inner Worlds Astrology told The Post that because this full moon will be conjunct Chiron, the astrological representation of our open wounds and the causes of traumathis munation will be something of a trial by fire for the cardinal babies.
“The cardinal signs may be better after this full moon, but they should be very bold,” he noted. “They must be willing to open their hearts to someone else in their life or to themselves and admit, confess or share some of their deepest insecurities and oldest wounds.”
Grim explained that for Aries people, this full moon illuminates their first house of self and will be equal parts empowering and overwhelming.
“They will have to work with a lot of abstract emotional material; some of them are very raw and internal and cannot be easily pointed out or explained,” he said.
Grim noted that now is not the time to hold back. “Aries must be very transparent and open with people about their feelings, because if they try to suppress the wounds that arise, then the energy is distorted into something very unstable.”
If the Rams can cross the line closer to vulnerability than volatility, Grim promised they are poised for deep recovery.
For Aries, this full moon represents a choice between the tangible and the volatile.
“If Aries can take full inventory of their past wounds, it can be a celebratory, cathartic release of things you no longer have to hold on to.”
For Cardinal Cancers, this full moon hits their tenth house of career and authority. “For Cancers, the tenth house full moon is about healing wounds with authority figures and people you look up to, whether it’s a parent, manager or boss,” Grim said.
Regarding parents and elders, he shared that it’s a great moon for reconciliation and notes that some Cancers may have to respond to a health crisis in their family or choose to take on a caregiving role.
In terms of career and aspirations, Grim said this month could be a big turning point. “Some Cancers will reach a career milestone and decide to pursue a different line of work that provides them with independent power, especially working in a field that’s in the healing space.”
Grim noted that Mars, our planet of action and aggression, is currently in Cancer, setting the stage for tense exchanges for Cancer natives. “Cancers are more likely to find themselves in opposition now and they need to really focus on conflict resolution and the things they need to transform their important relationships,” he said.
Grim shared that for Libras, this moon invokes themes of partnership and alliance. “Libras must decide whether or not allies and partners in their lives are contributing to their healing journey or blocking it.”
The question to consider? “Has your partner, best friend, or significant other been healed? Are they open to them? OWN healing journey? If not, those relationships will surely end. There has to be a certain amount of vulnerability in these one-on-one relationships.”
Grim noted that, as always, what must be will be, and if relationships are resilient and resilient in their vulnerability, this madness can foster true communion between partners and trusted friends.
“There has to be a lot of support in that relationship, but also, both individuals have to be strong on their own and eventually close the loop on the healing journey independently.”
For Capricorn, this full moon is hitting their fourth house of home and descent. “We’re talking about a possible breakthrough in a healing journey in relation to the family.”
Grim believed that some hats could be called upon to care for the family or to get in touch with the painful and profound realities of their ancestral traumas.
“The full moon can be the end of something, and in the fourth house for Capricorns, it can be the end of a living situation, coexistence. Some Capricorns may move somewhere a little more conducive to healing.”
Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports candidly on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.
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