While Libra, writer and avowed lover of the spectacle, Oscar Wilde once declared, “A mask shows us more than a face.”
Headed, and oh so in time as the nights grow longer, the days colder and the feelings more chilling.

Indeed, Halloween is on the horizon, signaling the time of year when spirits are lost and the spirit of dressing up is just around the corner. In this season of masks and masquerades, we ask why be who you’re not when you can instead be who you are—your zodiac sign.
From DIY tutorials to one-stop shopping, inflatable centaurs to lion tamers and pajama crabs to creepy twins, we’ve got your astrologically inspired costumes ready for all kinds of trick-or-treating, mischief-making and mayhem-seeking.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)

As a cardinal fire sign represented by the golden-leaf ram, Aries can bring the horns to Halloween by crowning their stubborn skulls with a faux set like Aries Aries Lady Gaga decided to do during her Born This Way tour “.
The average Aries can’t sit low enough to wield a throne, but they look great in a robe and a crown, so channeling the emperor tarot card that Aries is associated with would also be a subtle but powerful nod to their sun. sign.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

I have great news for Taurus, who always wants to look good, feel comfortable and exert minimal effort. Your lookalike is just a pair of clogs, a set of horns and a fake septum ring away from bringing your sign symbol to a full bull life.
If you prefer a gentler approach, consider that Venus, named for the goddess of love and beauty, is the ruling planet of Taurus. Bulls can go full pastoral deity in a white tunic, distributing the goodies associated with the goddess of flowers, berries and pine cones to your humble supplicants.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini is symbolized by twins, so consider channeling the creepy Grady sisters from “The Shining” this Halloween.
In the Major Arcana of the tarot, Gemini is represented by the Lovers card, which depicts a scantily clad couple, looking like Adam and Eve. For Uninhibited Gemini, all you need is a partner in crime and a few strategically placed loin leaves to bring the card to life.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is ruled by the moon, and natives may bow to their celestial ruling body by dressing up as la luna for Halloween. Or, in a nod to the nautical and lunar, Sailor Moon herself.
Another option is to channel your sign’s crab vibes into an homage to Sebastian, the tough and ultimately underappreciated crustacean from The Little Mermaid. Bonus: this crab suit is essentially a one-piece pajama outfit, so Crabs can feel at home and cozy AF whether they decide to go out or not.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Leo is guided by the sun, loves a scene and delights in the sound of applause. As such, locals tend to go all out for costumes and the holy occasion of Halloween. The possibilities for lions to stand for their sign abound, from a deified look for the sun itself, to a makeup ode to Scar from The Lion King, to a tame lion/leo couples costume. Put on the top hat, wield the whip and welcome the gore!
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo is Latin for Virgin, and for this ilk, I suggest paying homage to Madonna (a Virgo moon) by dressing as a Material Girl in her “Virgin Like” era complete with a lace corset and toy belt buckle for the boy.
Alternatively, conservatively and with an eye toward gender neutrality, Virgos can channel their ruling tarot card, the Hermit, by either abstaining from going out altogether, or donning a hooded cloak and a lantern and moving misanthropically. across the masses.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Associated with the Greek goddess of justice, Libras may represent their sign by wearing robes and holding a set of scales and a symbolic blade in each hand or by incorporating these symbols into a headdress.
For further inspiration, look no further than Libra, ladies and gentlemen, Doja Cat who dressed up as her sign in the video for her collaboration with The Weeknd, “You Right.”
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and represented by the tarot card for death, Scorpios can be on brand and true to their sign with any immortal aesthetic; zombies, mummies, vampires, skeletons, voodoo priests/priestesses or Billy Butcherson, the stitched lip lover from “Hocus Pocus”.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is symbolized by the mythical centaur, a horse/man hybrid that represents the animal instincts and divine aspirations that live and gallop within each person.
The hoof archer’s bow and arrow is a reminder to all of us to aim high and fire our respective shots with a healthy mix of optimism and banter. On the other hand, this puffy unisex number is the perfect choice for any Sag looking to personify their sun sign.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

In the major arcana of the tarot, Capricorn is represented by the Devil card, and TBH I don’t think these guys get enough credit for being rock n’ roll.
For every John Hughes-type capitalist Goat, there’s a whiskey-swilling, leather-clad, speed-calling orgy Lemmy Kilmister. In honor of the last expression, I suggest that a Beelzebub rises to wear the Cap folk costume.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

The constellation Aquarius is associated with the mythical water bearer Ganymede, a handsome youth who took libations to the gods.
Aquarians can channel this energy by rocking a platoon, painting the three-line sperm of their sign on their forehead, and filling their respective vessels with craft water or well liquor, liquid LSD, or lemonade, and drawing out the goodies of the gods. according to the circumstances.
For details on the above makeup by Ann-Sofie, click here.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, opiates and illusions named for the bearded god of the sea. Symbolized as they are by fish, mermaids and mermaids, of royal, celestial or plebeian rank, make an excellent choice of costumes for the people of Pisces.
Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.
#Halloween #Zodiac #Costumes #Dress #Sign
Image Source : nypost.com